- Introduction
- The Words of Robert Potts
- The Search for "The Vatican Decree" and "The Syllabus"
- I Believe I Found Some Answers: "Quanta Cura" and the "Syllabus of Errors"
- "Quanta Cura"
- On to the "Syllabus of Errors"
- Ultramontanes defined by "The Original Catholic Encyclopedia"
- Those Citizens Were To Have Their Allegiance Over the Mountain, in Rome
- "Nothing is more contrary to Roman Catholicism than democracy..." ||| "Is not this hatred of liberty under all its forms the character of the Roman master?"
- Is there really a separation of church and state in America?
* * * INTRODUCTION * * *
Up until recently, I had come across the word "ultramontane" a few times, but could not figure out what it meant--even with a dictionary in hand. I laid the term aside (somewhat) in my mind and went forward. In the midst of other things, I came across the answer. My journey to the answer started with...
In his introduction to King Edward the Sixth on the Supremacy (the book from whence we published King Edward's, A Small Treatise Against the Primacy of the Pope), editor Robert Potts mentioned
- the "Vatican Decree" and
- the "Syllabus."
Mr. Potts' mention of "The Vatican Decree" (bracketed comments ours)--
Since the publication of the VATICAN DECREE, the subject [the short Treatise of King Edward the Sixth on the Supremacy] has assumed a high degree of importance, and at the present time it engages the serious attention of some of the Governments of Europe. The supremacy [of these governments] usurped, and attempted to be exercised [by the pope] over all Christian peoples and nations, is of such a nature as to be utterly subversive of all National Governments which are not subject or subservient to the infallible Pontiff of Rome.
Mr. Potts' mention of the "Syllabus"--
. . .From the recent action taken in Switzerland and Germany against the agents of Rome in ATTEMPTS MADE TO ENFORCE THE SYLLABUS ON THEIR SUBJECTS, it may be fairly inferred that THE VATICAN DECREE IS REGARDED AS A CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE SOVEREIGN POWERS OF THESE STATES. It may be found desirable, if not necessary, at no distant day, for the nations of Europe to agree to some international laws for the mutual defence of their Governments against this supreme "Regiment of Priests," as these nations have already agreed to act in concert for the abolition of the slavery of the human race.I wondered about what exactly these documents were that so captured the attention of the sovereigns of Europe. I had no intention of learning about the ultramontanes; I did not know what they were and they did not come to mind. I wanted to know how this "Vatican Decree" and "Syllabus" could cause the supremacy of a nation's ruler to be usurped. I wanted to know, "How could the Vatican Decree and the Syllabus be of such a nature 'as to be utterly subversive of all National Governments which are not subject or subservient to the infallible Pontiff of Rome'?" I wanted to know, "Why could it be 'fairly inferred that the Vatican Decree is regarded as a conspiracy against the sovereign powers of these States'?" As these questions went through my head, I did not know that researching these things would bring me face to face with the ultramontanes.
The above quotes by Mr. Potts were published in 1874 in the book King Edward the Sixth on the Supremacy. From the words of Mr. Potts, I inferred that the Vatican Decree and Syllabus was published not long before 1874. I got on the internet.
* * * I BELIEVE I FOUND SOME ANSWERS: "Quanta Cura" and the "Syllabus of Errors" * * *
In 1864, ten years before Mr. Potts' above-referenced comments, Pope Pius IX issued the encyclical "Quanta Cura" (Condemning Current Errors) to which was annexed (or attached) the "Syllabus of Errors".
I believe that the "Vatican Decree" was a reference to the Pope Pius IX's encyclical letter "Quanta Cura" and that the "Syllabus" was a reference to the "Syllabus of Errors".
"Quanta Cura" and the "Syllabus of Errors" are remarkably bold, impudent, aggressive documents--like the old days when Rome's Inquisition was in effect and she was openly wielding power over kings. The documents basically condemn what the pope calls errors, e.g., it is an error to state that the Catholic Church does NOT have say over the affairs of kingdoms and it is an error to state that the Catholic Church does NOT have the right to use force. Further down, we will review actual excerpts from Quanta Cura and also from the Syllabus.
* * * "QUANTA CURA" * * *
In Quanta Cura, the pope's comments clearly indicate that, from the pope's perspective, A NATION'S GOVERNMENT IS SUPPOSED TO RESTRAIN people who are "OFFENDERS AGAINST THE CATHOLIC RELIGION" (BY ENACTED PENALTIES) BEYOND WHAT PUBLIC PEACE REQUIRES. The pope then goes on to command that Catholics everywhere hold the doctrines found in Quanta Cura as "reprobated, proscribed, and condemned." What might that mean on a practical level for the Catholic? Not to submit to those government regulations that the pope reprobates, proscribes, and condemns. An excerpt from Quanta Cura (emphases ours)--
And, against the doctrine of Scriptures, of the Church, and of the Holy Fathers, they do not hesitate to assert that "that is the best condition of civil society, in which no duty is recognized, as attached to the civil power, of restraining by enacted penalties, offenders against the Catholic religion, except so far as public peace may require." From which false idea of social government they do not fear to foster that ERRONEOUS OPINION. . . called by Our Predecessor, Gregory XVI, an "INSANITY," viz., that "LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE AND WORSHIP IS EACH MAN'S PERSONAL RIGHT, which ought to be legally proclaimed and asserted in every rightly constituted society; and that a right resides in the citizens to an absolute liberty, which should be restrained by NO authority whether ecclesiastical or civil, whereby they may be able openly and publicly to manifest and declare any of their ideas whatever, either by word of mouth, by the press, or in any other way."A larger excerpt from Quanta Cura follows this paragraph (Quanta Cura is not a long encyclical). Notice near the end of the excerpt how the pope condemns by "Apostolic authority" the "singular and evil opinions severally mentioned in this letter," and commands "all children of the Catholic Church" to hold them as "reprobated, proscribed and condemned" (as if a true apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ would be involved in civil government like this. The Lord Jesus said that his kingdom is not of this world and that we are to render unto caesar that which is caesar's. Only a false apostle would be involved in a matter like this.) An excerpt from Quanta Cura (emphases ours)--
And, against the doctrine of Scriptures, of the Church, and of the Holy Fathers, they do not hesitate to assert that "that is the best condition of civil society, in which no duty is recognized, as attached to the civil power, of restraining by enacted penalties, offenders against the Catholic religion, except so far as public peace may require." From which totally false idea of social government they do not fear to foster that erroneous opinion. . . called by Our Predecessor, Gregory XVI, an "insanity," viz., that "liberty of conscience and worship is each man's personal right, which ought to be legally proclaimed and asserted in every rightly constituted society; and that a right resides in the citizens to an absolute liberty, which should be restrained by NO authority whether ecclesiastical or civil, whereby they may be able openly and publicly to manifest and declare any of their ideas whatever, either by word of mouth, by the press, or in any other way." But, while they rashly affirm this, they do not think and consider that they are preaching "liberty of perdition;". . .Amidst, therefore, such great perversity of depraved opinions, we . . . thought it right again to raise up our Apostolic voice. Therefore, BY OUR APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY, WE REPROBATE, PROSCRIBE, and CONDEMN ALL THE singular and EVIL OPINIONS and doctrines SEVERALLY MENTIONED IN THIS LETTER, and will AND COMMAND THAT THEY BE THOROUGHLY HELD BY ALL CHILDREN OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AS REPROBATED, PROSCRIBED AND CONDEMNED . . .Roman Catholics are commanded to consider the subject governmental decrees/opinions/doctrines "proscribed," amongst other things. What does "proscribed" mean? When looking up "proscribed" in Webster's 1828 Dictionary, we come across
denounced as dangerous, or as unworthy of reception; banishedSo, in this case, we find that within a kingdom/nation, there are Roman Catholic citizens who are being commanded by a foreigner (the pope) who is commanding them to not accept the decrees of their nation's government.
One sees here a kingdom within a kingdom--an aggressive kingdom that has demands.
In this remarkable document (i.e., the Quanta Cura) , we see the pope of Rome actually commanding all papists (followers of the pope) as to what they are to do. "All" implies "all" Catholics no matter what country they live in. They are all to hold the opinions and doctrines mentioned in the letter as proscribed and unworthy of reception.
It is here that we come face to face with the ultramontanes. Ultramontane means, "beyond the mountain." To France (and certain other European countries), Italy is an ultramontane country; it is over the Alps mountains. Catholics lived in the European countries, but their allegiance was over the mountain to the pope in Rome, Italy. Their allegiance was supposed to be first to the pope of Rome, not the sovereign/ruler of the land in which they lived.
The Quanta Cura call to the papist to hold as condemned the rules of his country is reminiscent of the historic Roman Catholic recusancy where the pope could release papists from following their king. Catholics are expected to be in complete and utter submission to the pope--the pope is supposedly supreme and above everyone else on the face of the earth--including kings, queens, presidents, etc. Let us review, once again, Black's Law Dictionary entry for "papal supremacy" where we learn that according to popish theory, the kings and queens are the pope's vassals (servants). The following is excerpted from "Our Prefatory Remarks" to Edward VIs "A Small Treatise Against the Primacy of the Pope"--
Even Black's Law Dictionary (1979) has an entry for "papal supremacy" showing that under the doctrine of "papal supremacy" heads of state are basically only vassals (servants) of the pope that must adhere to the pope's proclamations or else eventually be deposed/dethroned for not obeying the pope. King James wrote of the usurping tendencies of popery and "regicide" (king killing). The following is from Black's Law Dictionary (emphases ours)--
Papal supremacy. The supremacy which the Pope claimed not only over the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, but over all other Christian princes. The theory was that they stood to the Pope as feudal vassals [servants] to a supreme lord; as such, the Pope claimed the right to enforce the duties due to him from his feudal subordinates through an ascending scale of penalties culminating in the absolution of the prince's subjects from the bonds of allegiance [our note: the infamous Roman Catholic recusancy], AND IN THE DISPOSITION OF THE SOVEREIGN HIMSELF. The papal supremacy was overthrown in England by acts of the Parliament which met in 1529 and was dissolved in 1536, ending in the Act of Supremacy which substituted the King for the Pope. (Black's Law Dictionary, Definitions of the Terms and Phrases of American and English Jurisprudence, Ancient and Modern by Henry Campbell Black, Fifth Edition, 1979, fourth reprint 1981, ISBN 0-8299-2041-2.)More about the ultramontanes, from a Catholic perspective, later in this discussion. For now,
* * * ON TO THE "SYLLABUS" * * *
Following this paragraph are extracts from the "Syllabus of the principal errors of our times contained in the consistorial allocutions, encyclical letters, and in the other apostolical letters of the most holy lord Pius IX".
Note that Pope Pius IX decreed that the following are errors; since these are supposedly errors, if they are turned around, one sees what the pope is declaring to be true. Following each error are references to previous statements about each particular error. Eighty errors were listed under ten headings, e.g., "X. ERRORS HAVING REFERENCE TO MODERN LIBERALISM" is followed by errors 77-80. We did not list these headings, just select errors as found at (emphases ours)--
[Error #24] THE CHURCH HAS NOT POWER OF USING FORCE, NOR HAS SHE ANY TEMPORAL POWER, direct or indirect.--Apostolic Letter Ad Apostolicae, Aug. 22, 1851
[Error #25] Besides the power inherent in the episcopate, OTHER TEMPORAL POWER has been attributed to it by the civil authority granted either explicitly or tacitly, which on that account IS REVOCABLE BY THE CIVIL AUTHORITY WHENEVER IT THINKS FIT.--Ibid.
[Error #34] The teaching of those who compare the Sovereign Pontiff to a prince, free and acting in the universal Church, is a doctrine which prevailed in the Middle Ages.--Apostolic Letter Ad Apostolicae, Aug. 22, 1851. [our note: as if the Sovereign was a prince/ruler/king wielding power in the middle ages only and not at the present]
[Error #36] The definition of A NATIONAL COUNCIL DOES NOT ADMIT OF ANY SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION, and the CIVIL AUTHORITY CAN ASSUME THIS PRINCIPLE AS THE BASIS OF ITS ACTS. Ibid. [our note: by calling this an error, it seems to be saying that a nation cannot just be itself with its own national council making its own final decisions without admitting of some type of subsequent discussion or approval or permission from some outside force.]
[Error #40] The teaching of the Catholic Church is hostile to the well-being and interests of society.--Encyclical Qui pluribus, Nov. 9, 1846; Allocution Quibus quantisque, April 20, 1849.[our note: what about depriving kings of their thrones and burning up law-abiding citizens and depriving people of their goods and estates in the Inquisition?]
[ERROR #54] KINGS AND PRINCES ARE NOT ONLY EXEMPT FROM THE JURISDICTION OF THE CHURCH, BUT ARE SUPERIOR TO THE CHURCH IN DECIDING QUESTIONS OF JURISDICTION.--Damnatio Multiplices inter, June 10, 1851. [our note: turned around, THE RULES OF THE CATHOLIC "CHURCH" OVERRIDE (OR ARE AT LEAST EQUAL TO) THE RULES OF THE SOVEREIGN OF THE COUNTRY. This is reminiscent of the Imperial Roman Caesars being over the whole world and ruling over every "local" ruler. The only difference is that it is as if "the Roman Empire" is now called "the Roman Catholic Church" commanding all nations worldwide. And this is no wonder, because the book of Daniel only names four kingdoms. Rome is the fourth kingdom of the four kingdoms and " the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." (ref. Daniel 2:44) Rome will not be replaced with another earthly kingdom. Imperial Rome may have "fallen" in 476 A.D., but the church of Rome was standing there in the rubble. The Roman Catholic Church can trace her history as a-church-welded-to-the-State back to Emperor Constantine (about 312 A.D.) She has been around since then. She lived through the downfall of imperial Rome. Now, instead of seeing Caesar as the Pontifex Maximus, we see the pope as the Roman Pontiff. A cursory look abundantly shows that only a shape shifting, a metamorphosis, has occurred. At this late date, the Roman Pontiff now sits as the head of state over Vatican State which is literally considered a nation, the tiniest nation in the world (it sits within the city of Rome)--there are papal nuncios, concordat deals, papal trips all over the world, decrees going out, and the reception of other heads of state like United States Presidents going over to Rome.]
[Error #80] THE ROMAN PONTIFF can, and OUGHT TO, reconcile himself, and COME TO TERMS WITH progress, liberalism and MODERN CIVILIZATION.--Allocution Jamdudum cernimus, March 18, 1861. [source of information:]
In light of what we have just read, we have a better understanding of Mr. Pott's words about "the Vatican Decree" and "the Syllabus"--
Since the publication of the VATICAN DECREE, the subject [the short Treatise of King Edward the Sixth on the Supremacy] has assumed a high degree of importance, and at the present time it engages the serious attention of some of the Governments of Europe. The supremacy [of these governments] usurped, and attempted to be exercised [by the pope] over all Christian peoples and nations, is of such a nature as to be utterly subversive of all National Governments which are not subject or subservient to the infallible Pontiff of Rome. From the recent action taken in Switzerland and Germany against the agents of Rome in ATTEMPTS MADE TO ENFORCE THE SYLLABUS ON THEIR SUBJECTS, it may be fairly inferred that THE VATICAN DECREE IS REGARDED AS A CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE SOVEREIGN POWERS OF THESE STATES. It may be found desirable, if not necessary, at no distant day, for the nations of Europe to agree to some international laws for the mutual defence of their Governments against this supreme "Regiment of Priests," as these nations have already agreed to act in concert for the abolition of the slavery of the human race.
The Original Catholic Encyclopedia ( has an article entitled, "Ultramontanism" (the article is also found at another Roman Catholic site). It equates Ultramontanism and Catholicism. Excerpts (emphases ours)--
UltramontanismA term used to denote INTEGRAL [our note: an integer is a whole] AND ACTIVE CATHOLICISM, because it recognizes as its spiritual head the pope, who, for the greater part of Europe, is a dweller beyond the mountains (ultra mounts), that is, beyond the Alps.
For Catholics it would be superfluous to ask whether Ultramontanism and Catholicism are the same thing: assuredly, those who combat Ultramontanism are in fact combating Catholicism. . .
The allegiance of the Ultramontanes is "over the mountain" in Rome. They will listen to the pope no matter what the sovereign of the country that they live in says. Their allegiance is to a foreign ruler (the pope of Rome) that, as we saw in Quanta Cura, actually commands them as to what they are to believe and hold.
In his Quanta Cura encyclical, the pope actually commanded all Catholics to subscribe to the declarations he made. Ultramontanes are like foreign invaders inside a host country, listening to a dictatorial-type sovereign in Rome who is issuing decrees and commands to which they must adhere and not resist. The following is excerpted from the "Original Catholic Encyclopedia" ( on the Syllabus issued by Pius IX (emphases ours)--
For the Syllabus, as appears from the official communication of Cardinal Antonelli, is a decision given by the pope speaking as universal teacher and judge to Catholics the world over. All Catholics, therefore, are bound to accept the Syllabus. Exteriorly they may NEITHER in word nor in writing OPPOSE its contents; THEY MUST ALSO ASSENT TO IT INTERIORLY.It was not enough that the Catholics not oppose it exteriorly, but they must also "assent to it interiorly." Even their own conscience is to be submitted to the dictates of Rome.
At the time of the Syllabus, Roman Catholics had been citizens in various European countries for many years, but those citizens were to have their allegiance over the mountain, in Rome--they were to be ultramontanes. The pope would make his decrees and the ultramontanes were expected to obey the pope, even over the ruler of their respective countries. Mr. Potts notes that in the aftermath of the Vatican Decree the supremacy of soverigns was usurped and attempted to be exercised by Rome "over all Christian peoples and nations" (Remember Quanta Cura and the Syllabus came out in 1864 and Mr. Potts' statements came out in a book in 1874--only ten years had passed. Emphases and bracketed notes ours)--
Since the publication of the VATICAN DECREE, the subject [the short Treatise of King Edward the Sixth on the Supremacy] has assumed a high degree of importance, and at the present time it engages the serious attention of some of the Governments of Europe. The supremacy [of these governments] usurped, and attempted to be exercised [by Rome] over all Christian peoples and nations, is of such a nature as to be utterly subversive of all National Governments which are not subject or subservient to the infallible Pontiff of Rome. From the recent action taken in Switzerland and Germany against the agents of Rome in ATTEMPTS MADE TO ENFORCE THE SYLLABUS ON THEIR SUBJECTS, it may be fairly inferred that THE VATICAN DECREE IS REGARDED AS A CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE SOVEREIGN POWERS OF THESE STATES. It may be found desirable, if not necessary, at no distant day, for the nations of Europe to agree to some international laws for the mutual defence of their Governments against this supreme "Regiment of Priests," as these nations have already agreed to act in concert for the abolition of the slavery of the human race.
Pius IX issued his encyclical Quanta Cura in 1864. What were the conditions in Europe in the 1800s? At that time, European countries were trying to be free from tyranny and despotism--including Roman-style bondage of the conscience as is obvious in the "errors" delineated in Quanta Cura and the Syllabus. The newly formed United States had shone as a beacon of light and freedom throughout the entire world. Under the principles of liberty, the United States of America quickly advanced. Our Constitution and our ways were models of freedom and hope. Others saw us and wanted freedom, too. They wanted freedom from tyranny and looked at our form as a model for their own countries. The United States was a wonder and a marvel to the world and hope for a bright future. That was a threat to the papacy because free people make their own decisions about what they are going to believe in and what they are going to do in life. They have freedom of conscience. They look at information and make a decision about what they will believe. They do not blindly follow the commands of popes and live waiting on their every word and command. With liberty of conscience and belief, there are those that get saved and start reading the Bible and then they are truly free, no more Rome.
According to Edmond Paris in his Secret History of the Jesuits (see pages 164-165), during the times of Hitler's Germany--
...the best theological pens were busy demonstrating the similarity between the Catholic and Nazi doctrines. And, for that work, the sons of Loyola [our note: this refers to the Jesuits] were the busiest. As an example, let us see how Michaele Schmaus, a Jesuit theologian, presented to the public a series of studies on this subject:"Empire and Church" is a series of writings which should help the building up the Third Reich as IT UNITES a national-socialist state to Catholic christianity. . . The national-socialist movement is the most vigorous and massive protest against the spirit of the 19th and 20th centuries. . . A compromise between the Catholic faith and liberal thinking is impossible. . .NOTHING IS MORE CONTRARY TO CATHOLICISM THAN DEMOCRACY. . . THE RE-AWAKENED MEANING OF "STRICT AUTHORITY" OPENS UP AGAIN the way to THE REAL INTERPRETATION OF ECCLESIASTICAL AUTHORITY. . . The mistrust of liberty is founded on the Catholic doctrine of original sin. . . THE NATIONAL-SOCIALIST COMMANDMENTS AND THOSE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAVE THE SAME AIM. . ."(110)(110, "Begegnungen zwichen Katholischen Christentum und nazional-sozialitischer Weltanchaunung", by Michaele Schmaus, professor at the Faculty of Theology of Munich. (Aschendorf, Munster 1933).This aim was the "new middle-ages" Hitler promised Europe. . .Quotations such as these could be multiplied by the thousand [sic]. Is not this hatred of liberty under all its forms the character itself of the Roman Master? It is easy also to understand how the Catholic "doctrine" and the nazi "doctrine" could harmonize so well. The one who ably demonstrated this accord, "The Jesuit Michaele Schmaus" was called. . . the "great theologian of Munich" (112) (112, "La Croix", 2nd of September 1954) and nobody will be surprised to learn that he was made a "Prince of the Church" by Pius XII. [Our note: remember that Pope Pius XII is sometimes called "Hitler's Pope"])
Is there really a separation of church and state in America?