THE LATE Dr. Alberto Rivera
contender for the faith, fellowsoldier, and former Jesuit priest
Dr. Alberto Rivera rips off the shroud surrounding the Roman papacy. The listener may want to grab pencil and paper for notetaking as Dr. Rivera gives his riveting, instructive testimony*. There is keen insight here--it will be especially apprehended by those who are severed from the world, understand the times, and are well-acquainted with the great whore of Revelation chapter 17. This is powerful preaching.
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
I Thessalonians 5:21
- Day 1 (Matthew 24: Three Prophetical Signs)
- Day 2 (Matthew 24: Three Prophetical Signs--cont.)
- Day 3 (translates a testimony)
- Day 4 (Matthew 24: Three Prophetical Signs--cont.)
- Day 5 (Revelation 6: The Four Horsemen)
- Day 6 (Revelation 6: The Four Horsemen--cont.)
- Day 7 (Revelation 6: The Four Horsemen--cont.)
*Dr. Rivera is a guest speaker in these audios. In sharing these sermons, we are not endorsing the congregation to which they were delivered nor are we endorsing the repetition of the "sinner's prayer" as can be heard on some audios. The unsaved must count the cost of discipleship. If they want to go on with Christ then they must repent of their sins, believe Jesus died for their sins and rose from the dead and obey his word. Salvation is not repeating a few words from someone else's lips. The reader is strongly advised to read their Authorized (King James) Version of the holy scriptures and to follow the scriptural admonition to "prove all things" and to hold fast that which is good. How to Get to Heaven
Other Resources:
We do not make any money off of any purchases that the reader may make.
- From Rome to Christ (VHS of Dr. Rivera's testimony--an EXCELLENT primer on Roman Catholic religion. This is not the same as "De Roma a Cristo," Dr. Rivera's Spanish sermon found online)
- Dr. Rivera's testimony in compelling cartoon book format:
I. Alberto
II. Double-Cross
III. The Godfathers
IV. The Force
V. Four Horsemen
VI. The Prophet- Photos of Dr. Rivera as a Roman Catholic priest