[Our note: The two great weapons of mass destruction used on the American people beginning in their youth are (1) the television and (2) the school system. Americans need to be saved and read and obey the Authorised Version of the Bible. He whom the Son of God, Jesus Christ, makes free is free indeed. By following God's precepts, saved people discard wickedness like television and are freed from the lies that they learned as they learn the truth. Those who study and obey God's word are not deceived. They compare all things to the holy scriptures. They know the truth because they want to know it. People that do not want to know the truth will remain deceived and will eventually worship the devil and the beast. When that Wicked shall come, he is going to deceive people because they did not receive the love of the truth--God will send those people strong delusion and they will believe a lie because they do not believe the truth--
II Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The Authorised Version of the Bible reveals that there is only one conspiracy and one conspirator from which these evils flow. The Bible identifies her in Revelation chapter 17. She sits upon many waters--she is worldwide in scope (ref. Revelation 17:1, 15). The kings of the earth have committed fornication with her (ref. Revelation 17:2)--she has political connections with the rulers of the earth. This is openly seen by all. And the people are drunk with the wine of her fornication--she is a false church saying that she is of God but her doctrines contradict the Bible. Her name starts with the word, "MYSTERY" because she is a mystery--even though her name is written right on her forehead where everybody can see it. The inhabitants of the earth are drunk with the wine of her fornication (ref. Revelation 17:2). The woman is a great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth (ref. Revelation 17:18).]


"If I Were the Devil..."


Paul Harvey If I were the Prince of Darkness,

I would want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I would have one-third of the real estate and four-fifths of the population , but I wouldn't be happy until I had the ripest apple on the tree. So I'd set about, however necessary, to take over the United States.

I'd subvert the churches first; I'd begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: "Do as you please."

To the youth I would whisper, "The Bible is a myth." [our note: I heard this from a humanities instructor when I was in college--a breeding ground for the sowing of wickedness into the minds of those that have to memorize blasphemy in order to pass the course and get out and go past conscience to continue doing what they are told.]

I would convince them that man made God [our note: in college in a philosophy "class" I was told the lie, "There is no God." That was a lesson in lies.] instead of the other way around.

I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is "square."

In the ears of the young married I would whisper that work is debasing [our note: Americans are pleasure-loving people. Some are obese from lack of work meanwhile others pay somebody to mow the grass while they go to the "Fitness Center." The children sit in school all day and then in front of the tv for hours on end in the midst of broken-down toys and eating processed foods full of refined sugar. The children do not work. They have no skills. The body and mind need to be involved in work. We were not made to be idle. A day of productivity is satisfying to both young and old.], that cocktail parties are good for you.

And to the old I would teach to pray after me: "Our Father, who art in Washington..." [our note: America seems to become more communist by the second.]

And then I'd get organized; I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting, so that everything else would appear dull and uninteresting.

I'd threaten television with dirtier movies and vice versa.

I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could; I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction; I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the Devil I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.

If I were the Devil I'd encourage schools to refine young intellects [our note: the schools disrupt and destroy young intellects and parents look on in horror as their children disintegrate before their very eyes. Parents need to REPENT of the sins and BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ and OBEY his word and then they can be saved and rear their children correctly.] but neglect to discipline emotions: let those run wild. Before you know it, you'd have to have drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every school house door. Within a decade I'd have prisons overflowing.

With flattery and promises of power I would get the courts to do what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography.

I'd designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts and I'd get the preachers to say, "She's right." Thus, I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the Houses of Congress.

And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys, girls, and church money.

If I were the Devil I would make the symbol of Easter [our note: Easter is a pagan festival] an egg and the symbol of Christmas [our note: "Christmas" is a blasphemy] a bottle.

If I were the Devil I'd take from those who have and give it to those who want it, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.

What'll you bet that I couldn't get whole States to promote gambling as the way to get rich?

I would caution against extremes: in hard work, in patriotism, and in moral conduct.

I would convince the youth that marriage is old-fashioned, but swinging is more fun; that what you see on television is the way to be; and thus I could undress you in public and I could lure you into bed where there are diseases for which there is no cure.

Then I would separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines and objectors in slave-labor camps.

In other words, if I were the Devil, I'd just keep doing what he's doing.


| Eternal Life | Hell is Real | The Gospel According to John |
| My Testimony |Why I Read the Authorized KJV Bible|
| The Hymnal | Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ |
| Epistle Dedicatory to the Authorized King James of 1611 |


Paul Harvey hosts Paul Harvey News and Paul Harvey News and Comment.
Paul Harvey also hosts The Rest of the Story.