(King James 1611, Bible-Believing)
Christian Family Page
What you will read on this page--
- Introduction
- Family defined
- The old landmarks on how to be a family have been (and are being) removed
- Walk away from confusion
- The work lifestyle
- A changed life is a two-part process
- Seek personal consecration
- For those who have been abused and may have struggles
- This page is for all Christians, whether unmarried or married
- Index of articles
- Relaxed Christian Parenting
- Fathers
- Mothers
- Children
- Education
- Marriage
- Basic home skills
- Food
- Aging
- Things to do together
- Finding and making/developing/sustaining a Christian culture for your home
- The family is under attack
- The problem with us (deformed, gutted out)
* * * INTRODUCTION * * *
FAMILY, [L. familia, household establishment] n. a household; the basic social unit consisting of a husband and a wife and the children that they beget and rear.It does NOT take a village to raise a child, nor does it take government intervention. Children have parents to rear them. That is how God set it up. That is the Bible pattern.
Matthew 19:4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Psalm 127:3 For, Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Psalm 127:4-5 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. HAPPY is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall NOT be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.
The family unit is such a basic and natural unit, that it seems that it would need no explanation but this time that we are living in is a time of deception. People are being mistaught, misled, kept away from the truth of the word of God, and incited to wickedness. The television and school system are two chief instruments used in the hands of the unrighteous in order to accomplish their goals of corrupting all mankind.
We are alive to honour and glorify God in ALL that we do. Our families are to glorify God. Father loving Mother as Christ loved the church. Mother submitting to Father as the church submits to Christ. Children obeying parents. Father working, Mother keeping a house. Children trained and taught in the ways of the Lord. This makes for a blessed home that magnifies the doctrine of God our Saviour.
But this is not happening. All the foundations of the earth are out of course. Many children are now growing up with no father around, they never knew their father. Sometimes the mothers do not know who the father is. There are many broken homes--but this is not just in terms of divorce. Husbands, wives, and children are not together although they all live under the same roof. Many people grow up and do not know how to construct a family life. They do not know how to cook or how to do many useful things.
As with many things, the old landmarks on how to be a family have been removed. [Note: If you find yourself understanding this, I encourage you to start a multi-generational library (a choice library) with information in it that you need to teach your children and to pass down to future generations (your voice can resound into the future), e.g., The Authorized Version of the scriptures, Overview of the Bible, your own writings, nutritious family recipes, articles like What's Behind the Wall?, particularly enlightening books, etc., the Deception Series, the Deliverance Series, and other important articles (like Profaning the Covenant of Marriage), recipes, sewing patterns, books or writings that contain important precepts that illuminate in the midst of the gross darkness enveloping the world, etc.--NOT A BUNCH OF BOOKS, BUT CHOICE ITEMS THAT WILL LIGHT THE WAY THROUGH THESE SPECIFIC TIMES OF GROSS AND UTTER DECEPTION AND LOSS OF KNOWLEDGE OF HOW TO DO THINGS. Learn how to do things and lead your children aright so that they are not worse off than you are (in fact, they can be better off). They need to know that it will be important that they keep your family traditions going, that they stay high in the Lord. Without him, all will fall apart. We cannot make our children saved, but we can give them good doctrine and the truth and a vision of what the future holds.]
THESE TWO THINGS ARE WORSENING AT BREAKNECK SPEED. The fallen church paved the way for their widespread use and acceptance.
Many of today's "Christian" families look just like the world in every aspect--except they go to a church building regularly and listen to a preacher who is just as messed up as they are. At home, everybody is in a different room watching hell-i-vision and HBO (as in Hell's Box Office--and PAYING for it! This abomination of so-called Christians watching television may very well lead to their damnation; if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him (reference 1 John 2:15), and whosoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God (reference James 4:4).). There's arguing and unkindness. Love has waxed cold and everybody is easily offended. Mothers are working outside the home. The children are in public school (so-called Christian schools are not much better). Children are considered a nuisance instead of a blessing and a help. The children are worldly, hardened, distant, and undiscerning. Divorce (Torrey called it legalized adultery) is rampant.
So-called Christian families are often cursed because they are not founded on the word of God. The word of God has something to say about Fathers, Mothers, children, and families and how they are supposed to act (e.g. Ephesians 5:22-33; 6:1-19). Many people attribute their household turmoil to some deficiency in their spouse when in actuality they are out of position themselves and are being rebuked themselves by God. We need not worry about spouses or other people, we need to worry about ourselves. We also need to make sure our doctrine is right. We need to be like the Bereans and check out the doctrines that we have learned from men. Many church people are antinomians--and if they follow that, it seems practically impossible to enter into heaven. It seems that, undoubtedly, some will go from church membership into hell.
Only by God's grace has he shown me something that I did not know--
In America, we do not know how to be men and women
Tribal peoples are more in tune with the natural state of things than we are (but we send unwhole missionaries to them? Yes, they need to hear the truth, but they do not need to be made into the image of a devitalized people.). There is something WRONG I tell you, something is TERRIBLY WRONG. Look at the Bible for examples of manhood and we will find that our men are often effeminate. By means of whorish women, many men are brought to a piece of bread, including so-called preachers. The Bible teaches that they are the image and glory of God. They are bigger, stronger, faster, more mentally stable. Look at the men of the Bible. How they carried themselves, the deeds they did, their abilities. Look at women in the Bible. Meek but able to do various things. Their personalities were different than ours. They were more forthright and direct. The early church was a holy church. The people were filled with the Holy Ghost. Look around now and compare today's visible church with what was. We have been bewitched into an artificial environment and a dependent mindset...
What does this have to do with a family page? Everything. After I started seeking my womanhood, I started being free in so many ways, I found a new sort of life and I started learning many unexpected things, big things, critical things and even strategems of the enemy...but it did not start out like that. As I kept trying to go forward (my projects did not always work out), it was then, through the years, that other things, unexpected things were revealed and manifested. The enemy struck at our very lives and minds--at our manhood, womanhood, childhood, "familyhood" (if you will). He that hath an ear, let him hear. We are in a deep, deep, deep pit. Great grandparents worked hard, were relieved with the offer of ease and very quickly, men became accustomed to ease with plenty of idle time on their hands--and entertainment offerings...their children learned almost nothing about work. The children therefore never gained the benefits and mental satisfaction of work and industry. Instead they went to school to learn to be practically useless, but well in tune with wickedness and the system that has been set up...
But all is not lost. We can get out, praise God! All we have to do is apply the word to our lives. It is then, and only then, that we will be healed. Find your manhood and your womanhood. It is actually a very short step for those that can hear this. When pursued from a stable heart it is interesting, liberating, and exciting.. What do men do? Make work, build, hunt, fish, farm, etc. Not that you have to be a farmer, but wherever you are, you can approximate the types of things that men do. What do women do? Sew, cook, garden, etc. (see Proverbs 31). Basic skills like sewing and building can be, and have been, learned by all, we see this in the scriptures. Look at the scriptures. They show us what men and women do and how they are to conduct themselves--if we examine these things clearly, we will see that many of us do not line up. We Americans are deficient but we think that we are doing okay.
"I can already do all those things you said, and more." If that is true, have you ensured that your children can do the same thing and are you taking steps to offer your knowledge for free to others? I perceive that my parents are very capable in that way. My father's father was a sharecropper, somehow got the ability to purchase some land with a spring on it, and built a house on it with his own hands. When he needed another room, he just tacked one onto the house. I can remember squirrel tails as a decoration leading into the kitchen which had a wood burning stove in addition to a modern stove. During the cold of winter, my grandfather may buy a live opossum from somebody selling them door to door. He'd feed it apples for a week, kill it and the family would eat it. That was the way my father grew up. I can always remember my father being able to do what we needed. But when we (me and my sibling) came along, WE WENT TO SCHOOL! And now, just one generation removed from the land, I'd have a lot to overcome if I had to live off of it exclusively today. Don't be smug because you can do these things. TEACH THEM TO YOUR CHILDREN AND WRITE THEM DOWN FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN!
In America there is a system in place that sucks out the vitality of every person that touches it. It leaves us, as a people, in an electronic artificial world and you are only a portion of a person. We can't see that a college education can keep us in the system learning false knowledge (in studying certain disciplines I know that further learning is important--but be wary and careful and prayerful and resourceful and innovative in seeking what you need). We are taught to climb the corporate ladder with a good sounding job title. It makes us feel important. In the system your worth is in what you drive and what you wear. We cannot see that most Americans do not produce anything. (producing countries like China are cleaning our clocks) Many just shift papers around all day or provide services. It is not necessarily wrong to be an accountant (each situation is different), etc. but we need to understand what is going on around us (including in the colleges in which can be found many wicked teachings, activities--and this does not exclude many "Christian" schools). We are to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and we are to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world.
Keep your child close to you and use homeschooling as a vehicle to teach the scriptures and the things that you want your child to know in order to please God and live in our society. Don't rush out and buy "Christian" curricula (much of it is warmed over paganism sprinkled with a few Bible verses), seek out a Biblical Scholarship.
We need to get out of this pit. Get your children (and yourself) off of The Playground. Our Deception Series contains much insight as to what is happening in this world today in articles like, "THE MOTHER" (as in THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH, Rev. 17).
We are mentally deficient because the foundations of the earth are out of course. When we start seeking the old paths we will find rest. Childrearing takes on a different form when we seek the the old paths. That is why I've had to come here and make updates to this page. I am not the same person as I was when this was written. I am not perfect, but I am different. This page is a call to God's people, to those who can hear. Your young children, if you have any, will come along with you on this exciting journey. Deuteronomy 6 contains the command for Christian parents.
Deuteronomy 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:Deuteronomy 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deuteronomy 6:8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
Deuteronomy 6:9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
We are to shew our children "the praises of the Lord and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.
For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:
78:6 That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children:
78:7 That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments. (see Psalms 78:4-7)Our responsibility as Christian parents is to see our children attached to Christ by systematically teaching them his word (see Deuteronomy 6:6-9). We must let go of the world and learn how to live a Christian life outside of amusements, tv, video games, clubs, etc. In these last and evil days keep your child close to you and use homeschooling as a vehicle to teach the scriptures and the things that you want your child to know in order to please God and live in our society. Don't rush out and buy "Christian" curricula (much of it is warmed over paganism sprinkled with a few Bible verses), seek out a Biblical Scholarship.
There are problems in the earth today. Many lack basic skills. All the foundations of the earth are out of course. This Christian Family Page contains ideas for the family as we walk away from confusion and follow the command of Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.The word of God will lead out and show us how to life is supposed to be lived.
An excerpt from deliverance.htm--
Setting a child in front of a television (with its foolishness, seductions to the world, and incessant evils) is like a form of child abuse warping children's minds and even their bodies (situations can elicit a bodily response) and their futures (a warped mentality making for unfit husbands and wives, no skills learned at the age when they need to be learning useful skills, etc.). Parents tell their children, "Don't talk to strangers," but they let wicked strangers talk to their children for hours everyday. Children need to spend time with their parents. They need to be working, playing, exploring, and being normal--
- not being exposed to the worst seducers the world has to offer.
- not watching fake creatures called cartoons--the vain imagination of some adult with a penchant for enchanting children with foolishness and evil.
The following is an excerpt from deliverance.htm--
Let life consist of a series of tasks that the scriptures show are good for us to do, e.g., a man must care for his own house (e.g., working, repairing the house, fishing, etc.), a woman must guide the house (e.g., cooking, sewing, cleaning, etc.), etc. AND TEACH YOUR CHILDREN HOW TO DO THESE THINGS, TOO. THAT IS PART OF THE JOB OF A PARENT, TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN TO BE WORKING, PRODUCTIVE MEN AND WOMEN. Learn how to fulfill your role as a man or woman in a better manner--the tv generation is lacking in many skills. If God gives you a ministry, don't leave your housework behind--be faithful to do EVERYTHING that you are supposed to be doing--caring for your house, teaching your children, performing your ministry (*IF* God has given you an outside ministry. You may be called to primarily stay at home and take loving care of your family and help those that God may send your way. The Bible tells us what men, women, boys, and girls should do. Let us live quietly and simply reading God's word and obeying it.), etc.
The following is an excerpt on the work lifestyle from one of our articles (interlude52.htm--it is about compulsive disorders, but there are precepts there that can be of assistance to any Christian.)--
- Focus on living the work lifestyle, doing things for yourself, not just sitting around. We don't really work too much anymore. People generally go to a job (which often requires little skill) and then come home and seek out diversions for the rest of the evening. The work lifestyle is different from this. It is a Biblical (refs. 2 Thessalonians 3:10, 1 Timothy 5:14) and satisfying lifestyle. In it, one goes from one task to another. It is self-perpetuating. It has no end and it always seeks out the next good thing that needs to be done. It is on the lookout for what needs to be done. It is so satisfying because of its daily productivity and the results of that productivity--a series of finished products that you did and use yourself, an increase in your skill levels, an attention to your children who are also learning with you and cheering you on, a clean house, a tended garden, clean clothes, a book or article that you have written, something important that you have translated, etc. The work lifestyle makes you a more independent, whole person and reduces stress because things are not left undone. Things left undone bring about stress. The Bible says to be diligent to know the state of thy flocks. You may have no goats; however, you may have a checkbook that needs to be balanced, a house to be organized (clothes, books, cabinets, etc.) a garden that needs to be tilled, or a shelving unit that needs to be built. There is inside work to do and outside work to do. Even if you have no yard for outside work, you can care for the outside of your dwelling, cook your food outside on a small grill, complete useful carpentry projects, take a walk, compost your kitchen scraps, learn about your local fauna (animals) and flora (plants), etc.
If the old habit calls, you can ask yourself a question, "What should I be doing?" and then you can go and do that thing that you should be doing (not a junk project, something that is good to be done). What happens is that one goes from doing one good thing to the next good thing and quickly finding that they live a life of productivity and usefulness. They find that there is always something to thank God for when rising early in the morning to present oneself before the Lord when rehearsing the previous day's events. I fill up my time with prayer, reading, a morning walk, housework, teaching, yardwork, studying, and communicating. The Bible teaches that we should do all things heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men (ref. Colossians 3:23) and that whatsoever our hand findeth to do, we should do it with our might (ref. Ecclesiastes 9:10). God is watching and helping and leading and guiding his people who are trying to do his will. Our whole lives should be consecrated unto the Lord, including all of our property (grass, leaves, couches, desks, tables, pencils, goats, cars, etc.), and we can serve him whether we are washing dishes or conducting a Bible study.
- Once you have gotten a level of freedom (this can start from day one), stay free and don't go back and fetch up the old ways. Stay with the work lifestyle and the good new system that works for you as you simply walk onward. All of this advice presupposes that the reader is a Christian, a follower of the the holy scriptures. Stay on your guard because your adversary, the devil, walketh about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. If something is out of bounds (outside of your rules), call it out and stay in bounds. For instance, if your rule is no food outside of mealtimes, don't hearken to that call for an after-dinner "snack." Go do what you are supposed to be doing minding your real and true business, doing productive things. You will find that you are living a useful, productive life going from one completed task to another.
Another excerpt from interlude52.htm--
Depression is not a compulsive disorder, but the simple principle of living the work lifestyle is critically important for those who experience depression. Fornication, whoredom, and naked movies (pornography) have torn up whole families, but I can testify that the tough years can be fruitful years. Do not focus on what you do not have in this life. Focus on what you have and what you can do in this life while you are here.If you have children, they are practically your number one concern. They need YOU. You may be tired and heavy and listless, but get up any way and go on that walk and build up your children's bone density. Identify wild edibles together. Teach them God's word and his requirements of man. Love your children and care for them, they need YOU. Time spent with them is time well spent. Those narrow shoulders of theirs are young and tender. Be tender, pitiful, and kind. Let your heart be soft, don't let the woes crowd out love and kindness, seek out loving ways and let your eyes be holden with love. Learn how to do this by doing it. Keep on doing this and don't stop. When they don't do what is right, correct them and seek reconciliation, keeping the bond of unity--let not the sun go down upon your wrath. See our series on Relaxed Christian Parenting and one of its articles, How to win your child's heart.
"Young people don't need good teachers as much as they need ministers with a pastor's heart [THIS IS TALKING ABOUT PARENTS--FATHERS AND MOTHERS]. They need to know that they are cared for before anything else."You may want to sleep your life away, but get up anyway and do what needs to be done. Your mind may be foggy and forgetful, but concentrate on the task in front of you, take no thought for the morrow, don't focus on the past. You will see your own sort of life emerge, a productive one and you will find yourself fitting into it hardly thinking on what is not going right.
In the midst of the evils of this present world, I personally have found much pleasure in looking at a montage of dozens of large animal photographs that I cut out of magazines and mounted on kraft paper and hung across a wall. When I look at it, I marvel at God's power and creativity. I also derive much pleasure from being outdoors and working in the yard. When I had very deep and heavy sorrow to where I was almost paralyzed by it, God called me outside where I looked at the flowers and planted and landscaped. I could not think about too much. My mind was like, "Look at the pretty flowers," and that was about all I could think. It was during this time that I came to know God as my nurse.
Psalms 41:3 The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.When I was at my lowest weakest point, I did not go to the seventh-floor mental ward and I did not go on any drugs and I did not go to a psychiatrist--it was God my Father that stepped in and took care of me in my extreme sickness, and he did it in the most pleasant, gentle, understanding way. God is a God that is nigh unto his people and he will continue to be there for his people even through all the pain and tears and loneliness. You may be very sad and heavy and even frustrated at times. Talk to God your Father about this because he can help you and counsel you and heal you in even the most trying of circumstances.
Psalms 147:3 He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.And always read God's word every day and let it break up the hard casing that always seeks to encase and harden the heart.
A changed life is a two-part process of (1) stopping and (2) starting. (1) Stop doing those things that displease the Lord--like watching tv and being lazy and wasting time. Those with a bad habit that needs to be broken may wish to see The Deliverance Series (2) Start doing what pleases the Lord. Look around. Make homecooked meals. Get your affairs in order and get out of debt, make your own household repairs, build the old way--get a toolbox and some hand tools (we all need to know how to work a hammer), start a garden out of which you can grow a vegetable or two (tomatoes and chard are easy to grow in pots).
If you are saved and this information speaks to you, start trying and God will be with you and will help you and show you different things that you can do.
The Christian life
The Christian life is a spiritual and an heavenly life. It is different than the old way that we used to live. The Christian's conversation is not of earth, it is of heaven (see Philippians 3:20). When a man has been washed in the blood, his OLD MAN man and his corruption is DEAD (see ALL of Romans chapters 6, 7, and 8) AND he is become a NEW creature (II Cor 5:17), the workmanship of God himself (Eph 2:10). NOW he is spiritual. The riches of the grace of God are now ours that we may magnify the name and doctrine of Jesus Christ. What is grace? Grace is divine favour, influence, and empowerment--all that God may be glorified for his excellent greatness. It is real. The Christian can do nothing on his own. Lord will help us to live upright, sanctified, consecrated lives.
When we were sinners, we trafficked in iniquity and debauchery but NOW that we are Christians, the righteousness of God is to pervade OUR WHOLE LIFE. Our families should REFLECT the glory of God. Husband and wife are joint heirs of the grace of life, our children holy and treated as an heritage of the Lord.
BUT THERE'S A PROBLEM. It is rare to see the above situation. As with many precepts, the old landmarks on how to be a family have been removed. Then again, many professed Christians don't even know what the gospel is--they are not even a Christian family, but think that they are. They think that you mumble a prayer and keep on living as you always did. They are antinomians. Some even derisively state that obeying the Lord is a work and not part of the gospel. They call that Lordship Salvation. If Jesus is not your Lord, he is not your Saviour.
Those that are still stuck to the first Adam, may wish to visit our How to Get to Heaven article. Today's false gospel offers a god that will help you with YOUR plans instead of the true God Who requires that you SERVE HIM with your spirit in the gospel of His Son.
Thriving is not about what you do not have. It is about consecrating and dedicating everything that you have to the Lord, giving him everything--you, your couch, your grass, etc. Live holily and separate from evil. Leave the television and take on the work lifestyle, working six days and resting on the seventh day like God did on the seventh day of creation (please do not join the cult of Seventh Day Adventism founded by false prophetess Ellen White).
The article, Christians Are On the Earth to Serve the Lord is a call to seek personal consecration unto God. "We put off the old man and his desperate, wicked deeds (like watching television) and we start putting on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. We start serving the Lord. Even when a Christian woman is washing the dishes and taking care of her children she is doing sanctified work--she is fulfilling the scriptures; women are to be keepers at home. When we consecrate ourselves and our things (house, apartment, furniture, grass, etc.), daily living takes on a new dimension."
For those who have been abused, there are encouraging testimonies, articles, and/or abstracts forthcoming, Lord willing. This section is especially here for those who are still suffering. For now, I invite you to see our Deliverance Series because it has precepts in it that have helped me a lot. Although the Series is for those who have habits that they wish to break, I believe that it contains items that can help you. Update: Our article One Monkey contains a strong word for those that have been abused.
Of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought into bondage. We can be overcome with sorrow for years on end, being sad and bound up, when, in actuality, as children of God, liberty and freedom is our birthright. We may have issues, but when we seek God in accordance with his word, he comes in and does that invisible part (and yes, there is an invisible part), and victory is ours. Deliverance from bondage, for the Christian, is not a complex process and it does not take a long time to know when you are on the right track. Be calm in your spirit, know the plan, pray, and go forward. When you hear things like, "You need to clean up and organize your home" or "You need to live the work lifestyle" or "Turn off the television" or "Take a walk" may you not be like Naaman the Syrian in 2 Kings 5:1-19 thinking that these things are too simple. Yes, these are simple things, but very important things. When Naamam got on board with the plan, he was healed of his leprosy.
An excerpt from our index page--
Once you get saved, come up out of that stuffed grave that you've been buried in (bad habits, bad ways, television, etc.), and let the healing begin. Important note: The deliverance and healing is not just for the sinners (our Deliverance Series is based on the deliverance that I received from my own sins), it is also for those who have been hurt and abused and want to walk away from the pain, anger, helplessness, bitterness, remorse, guilt (the victim is not to blame--the perpetrator is to blame.), etc. The Lord can help us to move on in life in a powerful way. There is work to do.*** THIS PAGE IS FOR ALL CHRISTIANS--WHETHER UNMARRIED OR MARRIED ***
Let not the eunuch say, "Behold I am a dry tree." Being married is not the culmination of the Christian life, although some churches are endlessly circling around family issues while unmarried people and the heart of the truth concerning these last days are on the outside and out of their reach. If you use your unmarried life well, you can be a mighty one in the earth without the distractions attending married people (I Corinthians 7:32-34). You can be calm in your spirit and start arranging your life and home step by step while reading, working, praying, resting, etc. As one goes forward, the Lord helps him to know what he should be doing--including things people may not think of--like organizing. I can remember saying one time, "You have to prepare for a blessing" and then I proceeded to organize and straighten up and something big did come up. The home tasks, etc. found on this webpage apply to all. We would all do well to consider human marriage in light of our relationship with Christ (see Ephesians 5 concerning this great mystery).
This Christian Family Page is for all Christians--whether unmarried or married. We are a family. Together we form one body, the body of Christ--and holiness is the law of the house. We, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood.
I Peter 1:13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:
15 But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
We are not here on this earth to languish, we are here to thrive and serve the Lord. The Bible, prayer, work, love, holiness, and separation from evil are elements of the Christian lifestyle.
Index of Articles
"Young people don't need good teachers as much as they need ministers with a pastor's heart
[this is talking about parents--fathers and mothers].
They need to know that they are cared for before anything else."
- Step one is assess the situation so that one knows where one is: Are you--
If repentance and change is needed, we start there so that we have a clean and lawful slate.
- in a lawful marriage?
- in whoredom living with someone (no Christian should do this, but this is in case someone does not know this)?
- in a divorced and remarried adultery situation?
- a single parent rearing a child conceived outside of marriage?
- Proverbs (Hear the instruction of a father sharing precepts. One could print out Proverbs and read it on a walk, under a tree, etc. with the express goal of seeking instruction.)
- Christian Parenting 1: Americans are Parents? (Our upbringing in today's America has not prepared many of us to become parents--but yet there is a sure hope even in the valley of dry bones.)
- Christian Parenting 2: Parenting and seeing... (By realizing who children are and what they need, "Christians can teach their children by scripture precept and by example. We can, in a relaxed manner, make a Christian home, a place where where God and his word are welcomed, magnified, preeminent, overriding, and abiding.")
- Christian Parenting 3: The bond is love (BOND, n. Anything that binds, as a cord, a chain, a rope; a band. Cause of union; cement which unites; link of connection; as the bonds of affection. (Webster's 1828 Dictionary))
- Christian Parenting 4: Valuing a Person ("Successful childrearing is not a series of barks, orders, purchases, and room and board and then, 'out came this calf.' A child is a person, a person to be valued at a very fundamental level. The natural, relaxed way of parenting is having a real interest in the child himself and his accomplishments.")
- Christian Parenting 5: Resist not evil. ("...resist not evil and give place to wrath lest by any root of bitterness springing up in you many be defiled. Hidden, silent, repressed pain and anguish can give way to bitterness which can then take over the mind and blind one to what is important..." Includes a note on anger management.)
- Christian Parenting 6: Rescuing Hug (A simple supportive hug can make a huge difference in somebody's life.)
- Christian Parenting 7: Respect (we can respect that children have their own interests and goals and we can give them space. Ultimately, "...we [parents] can guide our children and help them to grow up and take their place in the earth as secure and able adults.")
- Christian Parenting 8: There is a safe place
- Christian Parenting 9: We need our space
- Christian Parenting 10: Be sober, grave, and loving. Live the work lifestyle. Avoid bad ideas like in How to raise a crook.
- Christian Parenting 11: Sanctified homeschooling
- Christian Parenting 12: No television.
- Christian Parenting 13: How to win your child's heart
- Christian Parenting 14: The Rule of Fives (a novel approach to making housework feel easier and more interesting and fun)
- Christian Parenting 15: They Need Us
- Christian Parenting 16: Fatherhood
- Christian Parenting 17: The Pendulum Swing
- Christian Parenting 18: Distracted
- Christian Parenting 19: Joy (your joy is important for your children--even/especially when your heart is breaking)
- Christian Parenting 20: It is okay to be "old school" (actually it is very much in style and cutting edge)
~ Fathers
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it (Eph 5:25). And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (I Cor 6:4). Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged (Col 3:21).
- Fatherhood (the earthy, natural father is a disappearing from the land; we need him. Article includes a remembrance and a memorial to the fatherly father. "Some of us may have grown up in a heathen home, but we had a fatherly father, the kind of father with natural affection. Might a remembrance of this man's presence help to serve at such a time as this?")
- Family worship in the home: the man's duty
- The Great Duty of Family Religion (a plea to governor of families (fathers) to take this sacred responsibility seriously)
~ Mothers
Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
- There is a safe place (in her person, mother is a nourishing, comforting, safe place. She is a comforter, a nurturer, an admirer and a helper.)
- One author's tribute to the housewife
- The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world (or destroys it)
- "Mother's Mission"
- We need our space (minimal rules and regulations. See what life is about and the main things each must do, specifically (e.g., specific chores, schoolwork, etc). Give space and take your own space for what you need to do, be relaxed.)
- The Jezebel Profile (are you a spiritually intense wife? you may be working a Jezebel on your husband!
- Wives are to submit to their husband's requests. The only exception is when a woman is told to do evil, remember Ananias and Sapphira.
- Working Mothers (what effect is this national phenomenon having on families, children, and the mothers themselves as they bear Adam's curse?)
- Showing hospitality
- how to make your own feminine products.
~ Children
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.Ephesians 6:1, 4 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Psalm 127:3 For, Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Psalm 127:4-5 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. HAPPY is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall NOT be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."
- Children are an heritage of the Lord and a reward to their parents. Each one your little buddy to enjoy and help out along his way so that he can know the Lord.
- Relaxed Christian Parenting (contains critical precepts to help in these times.)
- Letters to Parents (For the training of children. This is sound advice by Charles Finney.)
- Teach your children at home! Homeschooling as a vehicle to teach the scriptures.
- As you live in a simple manner, you can teach your children the practical skills that they need to be able to take care of themselves (housework, hunting, fishing, cooking, sewing, husbandry, etc.). Transfer knowledge, put them on the right course. Let them do as much for themselves as possible at every stage. Children can help and contribute from a very young age (e.g., making their bed and folding towels at two years old; putting away dishes from the dishwasher in a lower cabinet, etc.).
- Children can read, write, and do mathematics in what is considered preschool, but do not give them access to many books--take it from one who knows--children have energy, may it be expended in skill work and activity, not gobbling down book after book.
- Children need to move.
- Watch out for sugary sweets, they are addictive and unhealthy.
- Many of us modern parents lack parenting skills. What was so natural for our parents is not so natural for us. There is something critical that they had that we did not get. We came out of a school system needing a book for everything in life. It is as if we were made dependent on receiving instructions from others. Whatever the case, we need God's word to light the way. We need his guidance, his mercy, his help, his direction, his illumination, etc. We need to seek him basically day and night. May we get up in the morning and present ourselves before him (I keep paper and pencil nearby for notetaking). During that time, we can thank him for what he allowed us to accomplish the day before, we ask him for direction, help, strength, guidance, desire to work, help to be productive, etc. We can present our cares and supplications, etc.
- They need us. (children need us not just room and board. Short meditation.)
- If your child is not trained, you cannot teach him and he is a disturbance.
- Here a little, there a little (short meditation on rearing in the midst of dark times--includes information on living a simple life.)
- Remembering the time that I only had to be a friend and nothing else;
- the rescuing hug
- How to Raise a Crook (in just a few sure fire steps!)
- Moody Science Classics, Video Pack of 20 (mostly King James 1611, CBD Stock Number: WW6705, 1-800-247-4784 (1-800-CHRISTIAN), Costs about $100 "Marvel at amazing animals. Journey through the human circulatory system. Discover why the Incan culture mysteriously declined. . . . And through it all, rejoice in the majesty of God! This 20-volume set of award-winning videos offers your whole family a balanced approach to science, while giving credit to the Creator. Addresses physics, biology, astronomy, and more! 28 minutes each." This set is revelatory and awesome.
- The Children's Corner (Bible stories, God's creatures, etc.)
- Children need useful work. My daughter made her bed and other things at two years old. As a baby she sat and played happily as I weeded. As she got older, she helped. At four years old she put away dishes into cabinets on her level. One night, she was six years old and I needed her to fix dinner for her father; she made bacon and eggs (bacon can be made in the oven). She mends her father's clothes, she likes to do carpentry projects. She does not like doing the dishes, but she has to anyway. She likes to make fires; sometimes we cook over them. When she was little, she would fold the towels, etc. If Christians took the warnings of Revelation 13 seriously, we would begin to establish a more independent lifestyle for ourselves and our children. In so doing, we would find an interesting, satisfying sort of life for ourselves and our children. Many children are stuck in a world in endless vain activities (skateboard, football, etc.) when they should be learning some type of skills. We learned about foraging for food outside and sometimes we cook with with wild edibles (often called "weeds"--some are dangerous, you must be able to positively determine what you are eating is safe--some of the weeds WILL KILL YOU IF YOU EAT THEM).
- Regular long walks (moving and getting sunshine are important, I like to read, or meditate (as in think) when I walk. Some families go fishing. Bicycling is enjoyable. Children need to move, it is important for their bone density and agility. Boys need the outdoors, skills, and ruggedness. They want to do something--build, jump, run, ride bicycles, etc. We are not to effeminate our sons. They need to grow up and rule--whatever is in each man's sphere to rule (his projects, his household, his business, himself etc.).
- Love your children, and when they don't do everything right, remember that they are still learning, be patient. Spend time with them working together. When they are disobedient, correct them (Proverbs 22:15). They will give us rest and they can learn how to be happy while living inside the bounds of our homes and in the nurture of the Lord. With older children, I find "tasks" work well--do whatever was supposed to be done (and wasn't done) and receive another task in addition to it. In the end, something needful and productive was completed Work is important, children should have tasks commensurate with their age level--they will thus (at an early age) become independent, capable, useful, and helpful. Along with usefulness, they receive the mental satisfaction of completing useful projects. Many children in society today are trapped inside of electronics and the school system and do not have the opportunity to pursue guided, important activities with their parents.
- Children: To Have or Not to Have? God said, "Be fruitful and multiply," but man says, "Two is enough!" The low fecudity in America became very obvious to me in 2009 when I felt, for the first time, like a stranger in my own country. The immigrants that have flooded our borders have many children, meanwhile Americans are like dried up sticks.
- Socialization (explains how believers have harmed their children by allowing social relationships they never should have allowed and refutes the modern error of "socialization" for our youngsters.)
- Ritalin--is it good? (In many cases ADD should be changed to, "ADP...A Discipline Problem". At other times, tv and electronics may be the culprits and most certainly contributing factors.)
- Ritalin can cause death (don't let schools bully you into using it. Get your kids out of school anyway and school them yourself!)
- Marriage: How it should be contracted (why the feeling-oriented, flesh-dominated dating process of contemporary Christianity failed in producing strong, stable marriages; makes a case for parents being vitally involved in making the marriage contract.) Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage is adultery if there is a living spouse. Children need to know this from the youngest age. This doctrine is obscured today and is not taught in the false church. Children need to know this BEFORE they get married.
- The Dating Dilemna For those that can receive it, remaining unmarried allows a persons to wait on the Lord without distraction (see I Corinthians 7). One preacher called dating "divorce practice." If a person is not ready to marry they should let their bodies go to sleep and not get involved in courtshi
- learn about the antichrist and the Jesuits
- responsible childhood; training to be useful and not useless
- Not everyone is a friend to homeschoolers. The Home School Legal Defense Association ( provides legal help for its members in the event of a visit from the state (membership cost is minimal and they provide attorneys if there are troubles). Membership in may be of assistance--but do not put your trust in the organization. Keep your options open as to whom you will appeal for counsel. HSLDA appears as a "leader" in the homeschool movement, but there are things in emails, one of their magazines, etc. that can raise serious questions in the mind: (HSLDA The Home School Court Report magazine (summer 2012) has an article--"Pope Benedict XVI urges United Nations to support homeschooling"; HSLDA email (2-25-14) has blurb and link to--"UN to Vatican: Your Theology Violates Child Rights"; HSLDA email (2-20-14)--"Come Hear Luis Palau and Dr. David Jeremiah"--to be held at Patrick Henry College (see for "Luis Palau and Rome" and "Evangelicals Turning to Roman Catholic Contemplative Spirituality" (has section on David Jeremiah); HSLDA email (3-4-14)--"Sign up for Pensmore Dialogue on Science and Faith" (agenda for the conference includes "Special session for clergy only (nondenominational)" There are other things as well...
~ Education
- You can teach your children what you know by using various means and models (what you learned was good enough for you to live like you currently do. Homemade materials work and are customizable);
- Babies can read--start teaching them so that they can read the word. By 20 months, our daughter was reading words like God, Jesus, Bible, amen, word, outside, books, is, nose, foot, eyes, shoulder, etc. These could be combined in simple sentences. She was not forced or coerced. It was like a game to her. She was always saying, "Cards. Cards." I put them where she could get to them (may you not have too many books around, may there be quietness and skill building). Preschoolers can get through kindergarten and much of first grade mathematics. Babies can count. Visit for more information.
- Homeschooling.
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus (II Tim 3:15). Let the scriptures lead the way. If you have an Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible, you have a school. It is your only textbook, all else is dispensable auxiliary help.- how to teach fractions; how to teach Spanish;
- teach "the principles of liberty" (study the Constitution and founding documents in order to learn basic governmental principles which keep citizens aware of the freedom we take for granted. Over history there have been calculated--and repeatedly successful--means by which to trick people and take over their country. George Washington wrote to us about things of this nature in his Presidential Farewell Address. The principles of liberty teach us how our government works and also how a good government can revert to a dictatorship if the people are not jealous for liberty--they also teach us that liberty is only possible amongst people who govern themselves. Enticements and opportunities for sin degrade society, weaken it, and tenderize it for takeover by the usurpers.
- Is it possible for someone to write a book on some wrong, but the real use of the book is to be a roadmap to help other 'insiders' people to learn and continue that exact same wrong?
- Tract: "'...there is no...knowledge of God in the land.' What our Schools are FORBIDDEN to teach us is destroying us! 'My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.'"
- Censorship: Evidence of Bias in our Children's Textbooks (by Paul C. Vitz)
- Brave New Schools (book); Modern schools like prisons with trapped inmates;
- Underground History of American Education by Gatto (suspicious conclusions e.g. blaming Calvinism--I've seen this elsewhere)
- "Education"'s Taking too long;
- Back to School (poem)
- Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness in Her Profession Endangers Every Student by "Anonymous, M.D."
- Order Brave New Schools (the public school is preparing generations for the worship of the beast.) (You can also read it online.)
- Get your children out of public school
- Public school indoctrinates children (Author (a school teacher) says, "I discovered that schools are using psychological techniques and occult practices to manipulate the opinions, views, and values of our children, break down parent-child communications (intentionally destroying the family structure), and to teach Biblically unsound doctrines and pro-satanism. The intention: to prepare children for a New World Order (NWO), condition them into accepting and practicing occultism, and ultimately, to willingly worship satan.)
- Public school is like prison (slaughterhouses of the mind.)
- Fallacious reasoning put American children of Christian parents in public schools (teach your own children! you can do it!)
- Have Christian Schools turned the tide? (No. This tract explains why no organization outside of the home will provide the reformation and revival we desperately need.)
~ Marriage
Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
- How it should be contracted;
- Profaning the Covenant of Marriage (oftentimes divorce and remarriage constitutes adultery (Matt 5:31-32; 19:3-12, fornication defined as in Deuteronomy 22:14, 20). If a husband or wife has a living spouse and is remarried to someone else, that person (and his/her spouse) is engaged in active adultery. You must not think that God smiles on this. Their bed is defiled. Whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. This scourge plagues the visible church where preachers join people together in adultery.)
- One man called dating, "divorce practice" People get used to hoping in and out of relationships and their emotions get used up. By the time many get to the marriage, they are used up and unfit in their current condition to be anybody's spouse. Divorce and remarriage is no option. If the unbelieving depart, let him depart and let the believer remain unmarried or else reconciled to their spouse (ref. I Cor 7, Romans 7:2-3).
- The Rule of Fives (a novel approach to making housework feel easier and more interesting and fun)
- tool chest of basic useful handtools for completing projects and making repairs
- basic hand sewing stitches, tacking a quilt;
- Complete useful projects, e.g., making an end table or a table on which to set plants (I like to look around the house for scrap wood for projects, e.g. tables and bookstands. They are not fancy projects, but useful).
- Organizing tip: the rule of fives. --go to a room, drawer, closet, bookshelf, etc. and straighten up five things. If you do this daily, soon those places will be organized and you can turn your attention to yet other things.
- Military Survival Manual (fm-21-76, printed out most of 1992 edition, found online for tips about basic living and making "field expedient" housing equipment, etc. Nice for home experiments, e.g., building a lean to shelter.)
- Showing hospitality. Tips for welcoming others into your home.
- The Ministry of Hospitality (Video. Order from Bob Jones. This video teaches basic things about hospitality. Keep your house clean and keep your conversations towards those things that become sound doctrine.)
~ Food
Make homecooked nutritious meals--chicken, spaghetti, pot roast, potatoes, rice, oatmeal, beans, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, etc.; drink water, milk, homemade drinks; real butter instead of margarine. Use the stove instead of the radiation/microwave oven. Food is important in our lives in many ways. Even the simplest gruel or pot of tea made over a fire (even if the fire is made outside on the grill) can create a homey atmosphere. Food can also help provide a festive background on special occasions. The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 fared sumptuously every day. It is possible that a person can make a lifestyle out of pleasing the flesh, instead of just working and allowing food (and other things) to just have their proper place. Feed me with food convenient for me, lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain (Proverbs 30:9). Esau sold his birthright for morsel of meat (Genesis 25:29-34; Hebrews 12:16). Adam and Eve ate the fruit that they were not supposed to eat (Genesis 3:1-24). Many people buy a lot of prepackaged foods. We go to school but often we do not learn how to cook. Those with weight issues may wish to see, How to Lose Weight.
- meal selection and preparation,
- sample grocery list;
- how to cook basic foods (e.g. rice, fried rice, savoury meat, oatmeal, potatoes, etc.): Chili
- how to barbecue; All Recipes -- (use their search feature to get recipes for just about anything)
~ Aging
Families are now very spread and contact with grandparents is often not frequent. Information on the aging process can be gathered and discussed in preparation for the days to come. Children can help their parents should their parents become infirm. May all endeavor to stay healthy and fit until the end of their days--working, thinking properly, serving, exercising, eating properly, etc.prepare food (as one cooks, the other can be cleaning, they can cook together, shop together, etc.),
- garden (tomatoes and chard grow well in pots--just get some potting soil from the local store (e.g., Lowe's, Home Depot) and some seeds (there are seed companies and some seeds you can get from your organic vegetables, etc. A potato cut up into pieces gives what are like potato seeds, just plant them)
- Pray together.
- Read the Bible responsively. Overview the Bible.
- Sing. There are number of free hymns on line (music and lyrics). The Hymnal at and The Hymnal at
- take daily walks (have discussions or you can read a printed out book of the Bible, article, book, etc. as the children run ahead a bit); sing hymns; read select testimonies; fish; teach (including history and current events such as the dangers of the ecumenical movement (all the false churches getting together under mystical occult traditions) and the emerging church, and the beast), swim (females cover up one piece swimsuits with long dress-like, homemade swimwear with under long pants or in a pinch some flowered long swim shorts and a swim shirt over a swim suit)
~ Finding and making a Christian culture for your home
- A sample yearly calendar; work and productivity; country conversations (a collection of signficant remembrances);
- no television;
- In reading and obeying the scriptures, interests arise, let them bubble over and percolate into your holy life
- see Food section (The table is often a center of family life and special family events).
- Useful things as a design feature (e.g., a large clear glass container of brown rice for the counter, the composition of man as a wall-hanging in a stairwell, an aloe plant for burns, etc.)
- bookshelves with important materials--books, models, etc.
- useful rooms--when usefulness becomes a key feature of our lives, our homes can take on new unimagined dimensions. A family room can also be a study area and sewing area. A formal dining room can be changed into a reading room with sofa and bookshelves and displays. A bedroom can be personalized thereby reflecting your needs and interests. The list could go on, room after room.
- The family is under attack--each office--Fathers, mothers, children (this means all people are under attack. Society is breaking down, bonds are breaking as people listen to the voice of Satan and reject the voice of the Lord. Society is becoming unglued and directed by an unseen force that presents them with corruption through the various communication channels--some attention grabbing (television), some compulsory ("education").) Even the institute of marriage itself is under attack (divorce and remarriage, sodomite marriage, etc.).
- What's behind the wall? (polemic against hellivision--also includes some ideas for other things to do besides watching television (how to have a real and productive life).)
- CHRISTIANS' PET SIN (gives a case against the issue of television in a Christian home; details the devastating influence TV has on believers.)
- Television: The Idle Christian's Idol;
- Deliverance Series (deliverance from strongholds and compulsive obsessive behaviors (like masturbation), man today has serious problems);
- Deception Series; societal return to Dionysus/Bacchus--god of wine, revelry, and debauchery--cut off the television;
- discuss unauthorized versions of the Bible;
- The sabbath:
- A Defense of the Sabbath (the sabbath is the SEVENTH day of the week but there are people who would say that Sunday is the sabbath, this is not true. This article is NOT and defense of the Seventh Day Adventist cult founded by false prophetess Ellen White nor is it a call to the rigors of the sabbath under Moses.)
- In Matthew 24:20 the Lord's words reveal that the sabbath would still be observed at the end of time. Has there been a curse on the visible church because the sabbath has been profaned all this time-- AND ANOTHER DAY SUBSTITUTED FOR WHAT GOD SAID???
- JUDGMENT MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD, FIRST. SUNDAY IS *NOT* THE SABBATH [Warning: Do not join the seventh day adventists, the cult of Ellen White.]
- "You're killing me." Life is hard with an unfaithful spouse, but you can go on in the name of Jesus.
- Resist not evil
- Viewing whoremongers committing whoredom is commiting adultery (Matt 5:27-28). Masturbation is wrong. Watching evil movies is tearing marriages apart. So-called Christian ministries say that compulsively watching whoredom is an "addiction" and a sickness--it is not a sickness. It is lust flamed out of control, insatiable, compulsive and quickly leading to hell and the lake of fire.
- Those with sticky issues in life may wish to see The Deliverance Series. No television, old movies, "romance novels", etc.
- desformados.htm--"Our thinking processes were tinkered with while they were forming."
- gutted.htm--"MAN ONCE THINKS, wishes, believes, and acts AS HE ALONE LISTS, UNTIL, soon OURS, HE BECOMES BUT A HUMAN SHELL; ITS KERNEL OF INTELLIGENCE, mind, REASON, conscience, and FREE WILL, SHRIVELED WITHIN HIM, DRY AND WITHERED BY THE HABIT OF mutely, fearingly BOWING UNDER MYSTERIOUS TASKS [**like watching nonsense on television and completing the puzzles, riddles, and "socialization" of the school system and push-the-pencil/type-the-keys jobs**], WHICH SHATTER AND SLAY EVERYTHING SPONTANEOUS IN THE HUMAN SOUL! Then do we infuse in such spiritless clay, speechless, cold, and motionless as corpses, the breath of our Order, and, lo! THE DRY BONES STAND UP AND WALK; ACTING AND EXECUTING, THOUGH ONLY WITHIN THE LIMITS WHICH ARE CIRCLED ROUND THEM EVERMORE. Thus do THEY BECOME MERE LIMBS of the gigantic trunk, whose IMPULSES THEY MECHANICALLY CARRY OUT, WHILE IGNORANT OF THE DESIGN, like the stonecutter who shapes out a stone, unaware if it be for cathedral or bagnio [brothel] . . ." (excerpt from the international best-seller The Wandering Jew by Eugene Sue, 1844)
- Excerpt(s) from our index page--
"America's understanding has been systematically bent to the will of the Church Militant [this is a reference to the Roman Catholic Church], while the intellectual means for sensing the capture have been disconnected. [our note: But God Almighty can raise the dead.] Most of the content of modern media, whether television, radio, print, film, stage, or Web, is state-of-the-art Jesuit ratio studiorum. The Jesuit college is no longer just a chartered institution; it has become our entire social environment--the movies, the mall, the school, the home, the mind*. Human experience has become a Spiritual Exercise managed by charismatic spiritual directors who know how to manipulate a democracy's emotions. Logic [our note: we believe that "common sense" would be the better term here.], perspective, national memory, and self-discipline are purged to the point that 'unbridled emotional responses' as economist Thomas Sowell put it, 'are all we have left.'**"Despite its ascendance over American life, few Americans understand the term, "Jesuit." (Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy, p. 74 (his cousin is a Jesuit (p.xvii); there are glaring errors in his book (these things are reminiscent of the obfuscation system of decept52.htm), but if one can pick through it and overlay it with other sources, information can be gleaned (I do not recommend it to anyone))
*[What does the writer mean that the Jesuit college has become our entire social environment including the mind? I think that I know. I can remember thinking (in recent years) that Americans don't really have a culture (we once did, I was a member of one of the last on-the-edge-of-total-destruction crews, American quality goods, homecooked meals, playing (not learning skills, playing) outside from sun up to sundown, etc.) McDonalds is not a national dish. American culture is like the television itself, whatever it says. Americans do whatever they choose from television. I do not watch it but can see in society what the people are watching, even down to certain hairstyles, etc. The tv (including the politics and news broadcasting and documentaries--"The Republicans did that", "Oh yeah? Well..." "Live tonight at 9, we will have a special report" and on and on. Everything is calculated to have some effect. The tv and the educational system is the culture. Our real historic culture is one of industry--have a piece of land, know how to work it, have a family, invent, be free, hunt, build, make, etc.. Reading the Bible has redirected my attention and made me aware of how life is to be lived, even down to cooking homecooked meals from whole things, being settled down, knowing the relaxing way of life--which is firmly rooted in work and productivity.]**[our note: as a Christian submits himself to the word of God day-by-day, the wheels of change are in motion. Every place in our lives where the word of God (the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible) is allowed to enter is cleaned out and protected. As the word penetrates into every corner of our lives, an unbreakable infrastructure is built up inside of us and we are strong and fit for the Master's use.]
Ye that love the Lord, hate evil...
(Psalm 97:10)