From the NIV to the KJB,
For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate; Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.Titus 1:7-9
...I pastor a church with around 1,100 in attendance. I came upon your website four months ago and started reading and was convinced that the KJV is the WORD of God. My Church used to use the NIV until I just finished a sermon series of 8 sermons on the modern versions, we now use the KJB, and will so until the Lord calls us home. I thank you for your website, it is a blessing to me and to my church. May God bless you.
Pastor MikePostscript: "... My congregation is accepting the change well, the only thing that has happened is one of our deacons left the Church, but I pray he will see the truth someday. Thanks again, God bless you and all that you do! Pastor Mike Isa. 64:8
drawing from Rochester, NY.
Here is an excerpt from our email to Pastor Cando:
Dear Pastor Mike:
What an awesome testimony! Praise the Lord! I love it. Though we dwell in the midst of a dark generation, the Lord (through the internet) has shown me that His people are out there doing exploits in Jesus' name. Your report just energizes me and I thank you for taking the time out to write. Awesome. This just makes me want to praise the Lord for what He is doing. I too used to read other Bible versions until the Lord showed me the truth. I see the Lord waking up the sleeping elect all over the world to say, "Thus saith the Lord!" I love it so much. So much. I especially rejoice at our strong men who are sold out to the truth. Oh, hallelujah.
...Pastor, there are people out there who have been blasted from the pulpit for even bringing up the issues with the NIV, et al. They've basically been turned out of the church as troublemakers. I believe someone else can "get their shout on" by reading your testimony. I know I am loving it.
May the word of God grow MIGHTILY in your church and PREVAIL! I pray for you and your congregation. May the Lord give you great boldness of speech as you bring the word to this generation. May your congregation cast down all imaginations that would exalt themselves against the knowledge of Christ. May they grow in grace and knowledge of the ONLY wise God and Saviour Jesus Christ. May they be ever-vigilant for the enemy of our souls--we are not ignorant of his devices.
I love a good report and, as you have remembrance, would be happy to hear what the Lord is doing through your local assembly. God speed, Pastor.
| Eternal Life | Hell is Real | The Gospel According to John |
| My Testimony |Why I Read the Authorized KJV Bible|
| The Hymnal | Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ |
| Epistle Dedicatory to the Authorized King James of 1611 |